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KK, Sabah, Malaysia
Simple guy with passion to life and interest My life is here and there

Friday, May 23, 2008

Want more??!!!! What do You still want me to do??!!

Failure, failure, failure....
That's what I can say right now...Can't get anything in my hand...

NTU appeal to change the course-----> fail

Make confession to a girl -----> fail

NUS admission-----> Fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, I do look alike with my other friends who also got straight As in STPM!!!!!!
Why the destiny between me n them is totally different!!!!!
I really hopeless....

Because what I expect since I got the results was everything must be in my hand and going smoothly....

It came the wrong way..WHY!!!!!



WHAT DO YOU WANT ??!!!My Lord, I ask You, what do You want me to do now??

Are You happy now?!!! I am not!!!! I really want to have a few choice to choose from..
Why do You want me to choose just that kind of course!!!!!!

I really don't understand why some of us can't do things smoothly.....What else You want me to do!!!!!

I try to understand it since I failed to achieve good results in SPM...
I thought what I should do is do the best in my STPM..
Yes, indeed, I did it!!! But, why?? What else You want??!!!!

I trust You......I try to trust You too..Everyone of my friends want me to trust You.
But, I try.....What I get now???? Nothing but A PIECE OF SLIP SAID:" YOU FAILED, YOU FAILED, YOU FAILED!"!!!!!

OK....FINE!!!! Environmental Engineering ....I just take it.....But, I will continue to appeal for changing the course!!!!

Examples of my friends who did well in STPM get things quite smooth compare with me:
1) Chang Sin Yuen:
She is a good girl and got the results same as me. She applied the universities, scholarships and even the results also same as me. Ok, now, she has a few interview including Shell Overseas Scholarships, SCP scholarships, and NTU / ASEAN scholarships.Perhaps she will get ASEAN scholarship for NUS!!!! SEE!!!She has so many chances but me.....sucks......see....compare it now!!!!

2) Ng Juin Yi:
He is extremely hiper-active person which is positively behaved. He did well in STPM and also same as me - applied those scholarships and universities same as me.But unfortunately, he wants to be in medicine rather than engineering. That's why NUS and NTU gave him the same course. But, better than nothing. At least he can choose between this two. By the way, he is also called to interview for scholarships( NTU ASEAN and SCP). Perhaps also have the same chance as Chang.....SEE!!! COMPARE ME AND THEM!!!!!

3) Ng Shin Yi:
She is pretty and brilliant as well. Did well in STPM and applied the SC (security commision) scholarship. She has been called to interview in KL. As well, she also applied to UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admission Services). She was quite success for that because she got offer from UK universities. But, she can't go there because the financial problem hits her too much.. Compare who is luckier!!!!!

In conclusion, I am the most unfortunate among my friends above.... I still got a lot of friends to compare with...They are lucky to get the schoalrships interview..At least there's a chance for them to perform themselves in front of the scholarships panel.....

Sad!!! About the confession, I was too hurry to make it...

Fail!!!! FAIL!!! fAIL!!!!!!shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want this thing out of my life!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone tell me how!!!!!!


CarL said...

hey.. stay calm bro.. sometimes u can't get what u want..but try to cope with it the best u can lo.. i'm not in that kinda position so i can't say much.. but all i can say is..yea..believe in God, never lose faith in Him..mayb He has prepared a different road for u..>< haha.. i'll pray for u so hopefully things will get better lo..

Steven Gerrard said...

Thanks dude....
I hope that I still can believe Him after so many things happened to me....