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KK, Sabah, Malaysia
Simple guy with passion to life and interest My life is here and there

Friday, March 16, 2012


今天下午听了一个很有趣的演说,演讲人是净选盟的筹委之一 - 黄进发博士。

话说到513,当时得票率低的联盟政府而且差一点就回家种番薯了,然后演变成上街种族大冲突。其实,自从那一年后的每一届大选,我们华人和其他种族都怕了暴乱然后支持国阵,因为国阵会利用恐慌或者暴力事件来恐吓我们普罗大众。对,事实是这样,80年初的孩子们都被灌输着一个概念:“政治嘛,就留给搞政治的人去做啦!留一条命来做一些有意思的东西不是更好吗?”再不然就有些朋友就会对我说:“哈?什么来的?我不懂哦?我没有去注意哦~hm,这个啊,不想去理它,很忙咧~”我想对他们说:“你们是大学生吗?为什么你们只会读死书?而不是留意和观察周遭发生的事情呢??!!!我们是国家栋梁eh,不是只是会书上的知识而已!我们应该更是什么知识都具备的社会栋梁!” 我真的只能说,可悲可悲~ 很多人,包括我爸爸妈妈都说,政治是肮脏的,不是普通人玩得起的东西,我说:“对,不是普通人玩得起,但是我是赖俊贤,我不是普通人,而且我不是玩。我跟进的,是时事、我了解的,是国家大事”。他们就这样变成丘光耀博士口中的长江一号二号了,一天到晚帮我洗脑,说这个不行那个不行~

如果说国阵一路以来都用政治恐慌来恐吓人民,但是为什么到了那一年308大选,槟城变天,恐慌去了哪里?就套黄博士的那句话:“说好的恐慌呢?” 自从那以后,人民心里有了一个新的理念,就是所谓的恐慌是被捏造的,是不存在的。所以,709净选盟大游行那么多人上街,不分你我,不分种族的这样上街声明,要求公平干净的选举。但是,我们也不难发现,当我们懂了其实国阵/巫统利用恐慌来恐吓人民, 而308后因为没有恐慌,所以就特地在特定和特别的日子里面,找一些替死鬼在在野党或者净选盟的集会/绿色集会当中,做出一些很低级的反应和制造恐慌和暴力事件。当然,我相信有那么无脑的领袖才会有那么无脑的跟班~ 所谓的无脑,我先声明,他们不是没有,而是没有善于利用和处理讯息。

华人和其他种族现在慢慢地开始站出来为自己的利益和未来做出声明,慢慢地,华人开始为国家大事而关心国家了。为什么我们(华人)还要那么怕死呢?难道这个不是你的国家吗?难道政府的腐败就此让你心灰吗?不是!我们要的是一个言论的自由!我们要的是公平公正的权利! 难道我们还要继续在家养老虎吗?709让我们看见全部人开始相信,新马来西亚的诞生,开始相信,只要站出来讲话,都会有人在背后挺你!



Unknown said...

A very interesting topic. However I would like to introduce yet another point to ponder: Who started 513 in the first place?

According to Dr. Mahathir's biography, 513 riots started when the Opposition surprised the Alliance by taking away almost half then Malaya. The Opposition held a celebration in the roads of Kuala Lumpur, where halfway into the celebration Chinese went off track and wandered into Kampung Baru. There they started taunting the Malays, telling them that the Chinese have won the Government and told the Malays to 'balik tanam sawah'. The resulting riots were actually Malays retaliating towards these insults.

Does it ring a bell? Shah Alam KFC incident, anyone? So who's at fault here? The Chinese who jeered the taunts and insults? Or Malay who retaliated with violence? To me both are equally the goofy jester.

Back to the 513 incident. Assuming Dr. Mahathir's recollection of events were true, with this new perspective, I would like to raise a few questions to ponder upon:

1. Why are we so angry when we were told of "Cina balik China"? Weren't we the first to use this racial abuse in the first place?
2. Is the constant threat from Government on 513 is a threat, or a warning to us Chinese not to cause the same problem again?

We Chinese, are always known to be vocal. Unfortunately, most of the time of the barbaric, uncivilised way. Our perception of voicing out is to scream it out at the top of our lungs. :/

It is true that our current Government has been unaspiring so far. But do you think the Opposition will be so 'bersih' as well?

Just like the 513 incident, there's always two sides to all these stories. It is disappointing to see most of my friends shouting anti-government without even realising what they're rallying for. Take the Lynas incident for example. I bet some of them might even think that rare earth is a type of mineral.


Unknown said...

Just realised my comments actually sounded very pro-Government. Just to make things clear, I am neutral when it comes to politics. :)

Steven Gerrard said...

haha...as what the principal said, Malaysian overseas students are mostly anti-government.. I think they may know what happen, somehow.... up to them...
In the end, register as voter, think wisely before cast in the vote~

Isaac said...

There is absolutely no guarantee that the opposition will be a better or "cleaner" government but if you never give them a chance to prove themselves, then the best we can do is to just assume things, things that may never be proven true or otherwise and the current problems will never be solved because the rotten eggs were never gotten rid off.

The good thing about Malaysia is that its citizens have the right to vote for their choice of party to lead the country. So, make good use of that right :-) Perhaps one day we can be like USA or Taiwan :-)

If one is serious about moving on, it is best to leave the past in the past and do your best to avoid raising any issues that are already in the past. In that case JY mentioned, 从老师的嘴巴说出来真的很不应该,大错特错。为人师表应做个好榜样。I'm not too sure who was telling the truth about the KFC incident. There are so many versions of it. Anyway, KFC has officially issued a public apology to the concerned customers.

Unknown said...

Oh, don't worry. That was not form the teacher. Only that it took place in her house. :)