About Me

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KK, Sabah, Malaysia
Simple guy with passion to life and interest My life is here and there

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Untitled again

Don't know why....

When C said something about her love story, I just listened and felt numb to it but at the same time, I wished I could have half of her luck.

Just a few minutes ago, this kind feeling was quite strong and I really appreciate the situation I am in now.
Plus, I got some kinda trauma...well, this leads to the end of searching for the right one...

Just back from China Town to celebrate my ex-primary school mate's birthday. He and I had a good conversation forum in the busy street of  Chinatown and  seems he likes books very much and tries to hit 300 books in his room this year!

Sometimes, when a friend shared a story with me, I listened, but did I listen it to my heart and keep it as a lesson? Did I? Seems like I did not keep it so much and still, making mistakes over and over again.
Putting effort to forget something is also a problem when it comes to some one or some events that you will never forget. How to forget it? Perhaps you hit the wall and lost all you memories....

I wish I could do that...

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Here's a blog adapted from my friend. He's quite a talent in this thing and well, actually we are doing badly in maintaining the environment and we are just contributing ourselves to global warming...why? Check this out:

" Somehow i feel that the weather is just like a positive feedback.
The hotter it gets, more and more people install airconds and more heat is released by that compressor thing installed together with your air cond.
Besides, you get free CFC emission which is one of the deadliest ozone killer.
There's worse, with the rise in temperature, parents tend to stay inside their luxury cars and burn petrol just to keep themself cold while waiting for their beloved children in school.
Try turning the air cond in you car to max and stand outside next to the door, you'll know how much heat the people outside suffer while you enjoy your day reading novels and listening to your favourite radio..
Turn off your damned vehicles while you are not moving it anywhere!"

For such case, we can't help ourselves because we are already too dependent to nowadays technology.

One of the way we can do is just try to use less CFC emissioner and other relevant products that contribute to global warming.....
We can do it....why not?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stop thinking and dreaming?!

Since young in the age of 4 or 5, I always cannot sleep well....Don't know why....Think too much? Maybe...Here's my recent story in NTU....

Every time I walk alone and there's still a long journey to reach the destination, I will always think why shouldn't we travel like the Jumper?

I always wish to have those kind of power especially like Jumper...I can travel without using passport and less financial burden too...It's also not that tiring and I always want those kind of powers.
Unfortunately, we are created by God and we cannot possess these powers.
We are human beings..I really want to have this power actually, to go whereever I want, whenever I want, especially if I got this power, I can travel in a bink of eye from Singapore to KK and no need to stay in the hostel.

With that, I also can go to KL, Penang, to meet with my friends....

What a fantasy is that....but, no matter how I think, this won't be a reality.

So sad....

Sometimes, people ask me why I always seems unhappy and with sour face....I just tell them, I am thinking.
And also, I think about what I have not done today and what will I suppose to do for the next day.

During sleeping time, I also think a lot.. That makes me tired after I wake up in the next morning because I never have a good sound sleep!!
I always think...think bad and good....think of whatever I can....study, friends, events, portfolio to be done....many many more...

I just can't make myself stop thinking too much! I wish to have a good sleep and don't want to have whatever dream! Those dreams might be true in the future and it haunts me when I see something and it will be done in the next moment. Then, depends on the situation, I will let it happen naturally and sometimes will stop it.

Dreaming makes me tired and suffer in the next day where I cannot focus on my things, studies....
I nowadays, always sleep in the class and I really don't want to be like that...seems like I am not listening to the lecture and I cannot follow the class!! This morning is also the same...Sleep in the class like nothing...I tried to focus but still cannot....

Perhaps I should take more nap and stop thinking and dreaming...But, anyone know how to stop it??

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris

Sudah berapa lama saya tidak megguna bahasa Melayu untuk menaip atau menulis karangan, esei dan artikel selepas peperiksaan STPM .

Kenapalah saya ingin menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu? Tiada apa-apa yang baru dan saya ingin guna masa yang jarang dikosongkan ini untuk menguatkan bahasa ini.

Secara jujurnya, saya bukannya fasih dalam bahasa ini dan bahasa Melayu lah yang menyatukan hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia. Bagi mereka yang mengambil Hubungan Etnik di IPTA Malaysia, mereka sudah tentu tahu impian dan matlamat negara kita untuk menyatukan lagi perpaduan kaum melalui sistem pendidikan.
Namun, bagi golongan berfikiran konservatif, bahasa Melayu adalah hidup akar mereka dan tidak boleh hilang jejaknya. Untuk mendaulatkan kedudukan bahasa ini, mereka sanggup mengorbankan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantara dalam mata pelajaran Matematik dan Sains.

Dari aspek persaingan di antarabangsa, Bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa yang tidak boleh kurang untuk sesiapa. Bahasa Inggeris adalah cukup kukuh kedudukannya di antarabangsa, sama ada dari aspek Sains, sosial ataupun kemanusiaan. Persaingan antara negara-negara di barat sudah cukup melambangkan penggunaan bahasa ini sebagai bahasa pengantar di antara mereka. Ini adalah simbol era globalisasi.

Cuba lihat dari segi kawasan Asia Tenggara, Brunei, Malaysia dan Indonesia , hanya 3 negara sahaja yang menggunakan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar. Bukannya ingin merendahkan kedudukannya sebagai bahasa ibunda, tetapi, ada kalanya, kita perlu berfikir secara betul dalam keadaan yang betul.
Era globalisasi ialah sesuatu yang amat besar dan secara global. Jika ingin bersaing dengan negara yang lain, kita perlu menguasai bahasa Inggeris.

Walau bagaimanapun, kita masih tidak boleh melancarkan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris secara besar-besaran macam tahun 2003 yang lalu. Hal ini kerana, negara kita masih mempunyai kawasan pedalaman yang luas dan penduduk di kawasan ini tidak berfikir secara terbuka untuk menerima sebarang perubahan.

Penggunaan bahasa Inggeris adalah luas sama ada dari segi sosial ataupun sains. Dalam perjuangan mencapai wawasan 2020 , bahasa Inggeris ialah satu jambatan yang menyambung integrasi antara kaum, antara sektor-sektor perkhidmatan dan juga sektor perindustrian.
Jika penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu boleh berada dalam penggunaan yang optimum, saya yakin wawasan 2020 bukan hanyalah impian, tetapi ialah satu kenyataan!

Thursday, September 3, 2009



我不是想着什么,我只是觉得,我是没有必要要出席那个活动, 况且我很想赶功课啦!

MD, 我是真的没有时间!!!



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No more my own time...reschedule!

Recently, there are many things for me to finish.
Checking the Chinese Society store room, VIVACE X!!! Well, I got quite a lot of tutorials that have not done yet!

I have no time for it! I think after VIVACE, I can try to adjust back my own time and hopefully, I can have my really own time.
Rearrange the store room is still ok, and by the way, I haven't open the store room to take a look at it!

Things to be done in this week:

1. Meeting with my subcoms
2. VIVACE X performance!
3. Tutorials again!
4. study, study and study to prepare quiz!
5. MAF test games!
6. Reschedule my time table.
7. Waiting Suki come down here.....

Hey, come down with Suki to visit the what what what exhibition!
I really want to see you guys come down from KL (I've been KL for so many times to see u guys, hopefully this time is ur turn!)