About Me

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KK, Sabah, Malaysia
Simple guy with passion to life and interest My life is here and there

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Phew.....finally is out!!

I think I am quite lucky to get such results...Thank God!

For the 1st time, I am really satisfied with my performance..Anyway, I need to buck up for more for the coming semesters! I knew I can do it!

CV2001-Engineering Probability and Statistics-A+
CV2101-Mechanics of Materials - A
CV2301-Soil Mechanics -A
CV2601-Fluid Mechanics-A+
HS809-Understanding China Today - Pass( not counted in GPA)


As the title said, I don't know that I am a granduncle of my grandniece and grandnephew!!!!

I'm too old for that kinda position or the what...I don't know how to say it but it's funny when your age is not correspondend to the family calling....-.=""

Today is my nephew's wedding and his sister got married a few years back and she has a son...I don't know whether got son or daughter...but that's funny when I was told by my mum that I am granduncle of the grandnephew and grandniece!!

Oh well, never mind...Indeed, I was used to be called as old due to my abundance of white hair...Now, what the hell?!! I am a granduncle?!!
No way!!
I cannot deny it anymore because it is a fact that I need to accept...I am a granduncle of my grandnephew and grandniece...Just a lil bit of failure because they never call me that!!! They are just too small and their parents never teach them how to call us!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

2009 review~

还蛮期待我将要写的一个review,不过,有些事我应该需要隐瞒,因为都是私人的东西....paiseh paiseh...
January : 第一学年的第二学期开课了,我下定决心要好好努力上进,考好第二学期的成绩,酱就可以拉cgpa了...
February: er.......MSD Malaysia Sports Day 落在星期六,刚好和presentation 撞正,简直需要分身!
比完篮球后,就赶shuttle bus 去课室present 了...-.=""结果,比赛输了,也是注定了....因为我们没怎样的经验,球技也比人差...
March: 过了MSD,来个ABFC,比篮球.....还好,有进到4强,但是,被人家大的落花流水.....-.=""
April: 四月初,还是三月尾,帮忙了SFP,Year 4 senior们都一个个的向我们告别,希望他们毕业后,可以找到他们的另一个春天吧...
四月中,考试开始之前,妈的,sime darby竟然叫我去interview奖学金(Thursday),但是第二个礼拜2就是考试了,我还有很多没有读!
考到一半,不知算是好消息还是坏的,sime darby再次叫我上KL去interview second round 的奖学金.....但是,interview 当天是刚刚考完
life science的时候,所以就需要拖去第二天,一考完LIFE SCIENCE,就赶去larkin的bus stop...

May: 开始我的校园工作生涯......NTU 出了名迟出粮给学生的,我的零用钱真的很快,从1000 变400了...当时候,还真的很伤心,因为,我不懂自己为什么会用这么多钱....
飞乐时空seminar roadshow,由于我们做的不算太好,结果,副筹长骂了一顿.....场面超级无敌冷.....(can't explain anymore, don't want to touch it and just leave it as a lesson)
June: 成绩出炉了,考到还蛮不错....可能自己事自己知道就好....也满足到我的要求....所以,ok....
五月的工钱,六月尾发....妈的,有久到!!!!Suki 来了,带他去四周围走走.....郭氏基金叫去interview....有开心到....at the same time,sime darby rejected 了....没有怎样的伤心,因为我的第二轮interview很差...

July: 买了chocolate,去了KL,可能觉得自己interview 的时候表现不够好,所以,很伤心,很苦恼.....
FOA Senior Camp,第一天没有去,可惜....因为我回家了....
总而言之,senior camp 很好玩......很想再参加,可是下一届就没有的酱来参加....-.=""

August: 飞乐时空的东西做一半不做一半,就丢下来,参加FOA CAMP......带juniors做admin,做SA...langsung没有理会到飞乐的东西...
看了juniors的talent night,想起以前一年前的表演....哈哈.....惭愧啦....不想提起.....
飞乐总决赛,过程中,阿干火大了.....快要弄倒lee foundation theathre.....最后还是,糊里糊涂的结束了....算是成功,房东也蛮无奈一下啦.....

September: 不懂粘了那一条线,就酱跑去选举.....为了得到房间?可能吧.....但是,我也想做一下大maincomm的滋味啦....
day 1: 几条水走进来,讲讲讲讲.....类似经验,职位.....就酱过了day1
day2: 全部interview完了后,主席叫我们maincom进房间讨论,oh shit!!! day 1 的interview的名字忘了带来,原来要和别的maincom对人.....我只记得一些......haih....

October: 课根本跟不上!!!死掉了.....

November: 大烤咯!!!!!!!!!!!
每天早上,去library,不然就old can A,读书,在房间是根本读不到的.....
December : 最后一张,竟然死掉!!!!
第二天,就回家,回家之前,和俊贤,蚊虫,Tensa , 银号去Seoul Garden 吃大烤火锅.....
想也想不到,LJ23 和彩翡他们来了沙巴.....和他们共聚几餐,陪他们走几趟.....哈哈.....有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?看到6颗流星....很爽一下!haha....

Preview : January : 来临的一月: 爬山,HS他们会来沙巴爬山....yeah!!!!!haha....终于有机会征服全东南亚最高峰(konon).....


Sunday, December 13, 2009

An unforgettable night~

I saw 6 meteors flew over the night sky of KK...

watched with friends from NTU....and they saw it too....some of them saw more than me, some of them saw less than me...

Meteors fly over a quite night till she called me....unexpectedly....
Asking how to solve the pblms for the PA....-.=""

Well, I used one of the wishes from the 6 meteors, then, still have 5 more left....

Ok....though it is considered very naive, it will be a tradition for all people as they see meteor...
I am sure....

Friday, December 11, 2009

News updates in KK....

Back to KK....is such a great thing to happen in my life now...is something I can't really describe...

Maybe a bunch of friends, a cup of tea, a session of gathering, might be enough to describe the whole situation here.

For some reasons, there are a few things that I could not let down in Singapore...As posted for last blog, I don't know what is that..

Now, I have gained 4 more kg and make myself to a 80+ kg....before this, I was in 75 to 79 kg...now ....after having local delicacies for so many days, I am now "back into the business" ....er....sounds not nice!

Plus, I have spent quite a lot this few days...about RM 400 I had used and I don't quite remember where the hell the money's gone...-.=""

Wait, here's my list of RM400( where they go)
1. Power sport shoes - RM80.90
2. Secret recipe lunch - RM 34.00
3. KFC lunch - RM 30.00
4. New Malaysian Essay 2(quite boring and I am regret of buying it) -RM 39
5. Starbucks - RM 39
6. Yoyo milk tea session with friends - RM 10
7. etc.....can't remember...

argh!!! I hope that I can earn back this amount of moeny during sch time!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

home coming?

I am back...

That's what I want to say....

No big feeling...sad or happy about it..no idea why I can act like nothing happen about my homecoming..

Very conscious about the activities and the events in NTU...but not in the hometown...
why there's such a feeling like this?

So, is this indicating that I start to have feeling towards the place where I study?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A black Wednesday

I want to scold it out loud!!!!!! I just made myself a silly act!!!!
Why this year's exam so hard that not all of us can do it well??
I really wonder whether I can score well with 3 questions got left blank....3 out of 8 questions....is quite a big number....sure no A for me already.....

Anyway.....It's finally over...my exam period is finally the end....and here comes my busy holiday!!!

Black wednesday.....I will remember you!!! No mood balik kampung.....ok la....delay my flight ...

Friday, November 20, 2009

I love exam period!!

Sorry, I am not crazy and not stress till I say something crazy like that..
Indeed, the most time I can use it without taking consideration so much is during exam period...

Daily timetable:
Wake up,wash-wash
Breakfast time!!!
Pack things and go to old Can A or Library to study
study again
sleep at 12am...

I really like this period because there's nothing for me to bother about except study...ya, study is quite boring and sometimes you really want to vomit because study is really a disgusting job for us...no offense, we have to study to solve the question in exam!!

Anyway, I like exam period but I am not crazy ....Once More, I stressed :"I am not crazy!"

Thinking of going home so soon, I think I need sometime to arrange all the things here before I go home..
If those things are not perfectly arranged, I will be in a big trouble!!!

Just be cool when handle this kinda stuff!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Like that also can??

Sabah unveils RM3.3bil budget for 2010


KOTA KINABALU: Sabah unveiled an RM3.3bil budget for 2010 with a thrust towards eradication of poverty, conservation and people-centric infrastructure development projects.
Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman in unveiling the budget at the state assembly Friday said that the budget was seriously committed to carrying out development and to bringing about progress to the State as well as to the people at large.
He said the overall thrust of the budget was to strengthen state finances, improve public sector delivery system and productivity, enhancing development and infrastructures as basic amenities and human capital development and improve rural development programmes to ensure quality of life and poverty eradication.
In tabling the deficit budget, he said that the budget proposed to spend RM3,304.38mil in 2010 though they expected a lower revenue of RM3,127.65mil for 2010.
He said the state revenue would see a drop to below RM100mil from forestry for the first time in 37 years but expected a revenue of RM962.48mil from state sales taxes on oil palm and lotteries among others while royalties from petroleum was estimated to be around RM724mil.
The state was also expecting RM544mil from proceeds of the issuance of Sabah bonds for its revenue among other sources of revenue including land premiums.

“The deficit is not a problem, most years my budget has always been in the deficit and it has not been problem in meeting our commitments,” Musa, who is state Finance Minister, later told reporters.

He said the government would spend RM1,109.83bill for new and continuation projects in the state followed by RM264mil.78 for social projects and RM79.49mil for general administration sector.
He said an allocation of RM248.42mil for human resource development including skills and spiritual training that would produce a knowledgeable, competitive and innovative generation.
Musa said that the state government would strive to establish two more sustainable forest units in Ulu Segama-Malua and Tangkulap-Pinagah reserves.
He said sum of RM83.14mil is allocated to Forestry Department in year 2010 for sustainable forestry management and conservation programmes.
The state government was also allocating a sum of RM524.25mil in the 2010 budget to boost the agriculture sector development that included fisheries, livestock and irrigation.
The state budget also allocated a special payment of RM500 for civil servants while also putting stress on the further development of tourism in the state.

well, the sentence which I italiced is really astonishing...saying that deficit is not a big problem.?!!
I say.....deficit is a big problem and that's why Sabah is keep falling behind others states and it is called one of the poorest state in Malaysia!!! What an unwise management in finance.....Timmy...go and drag Musa Aman down.....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to stay awake in lecture theatre ??

Honestly, I am having a miserable semester where I cannot fully focus in the studies and the events I handle.

Outside the lecture theatre(what we call is LT) , I am really energetic and do anything I want.
However, in the LT, I can't stop making myself falling asleep especially after lunch time!!!!
Shit!!! Anymore vulgar language I want to spread ?!!! I just can't focus in the class and now I really mess up my whole year 2 studies!!

I need some stimulus to make myself alive in the LT....
Got someone told me to drink Yomeishu...which is a good solution to my problem, anyway, I am not really interested in buying those because I am not that old to consume it.
Is sleeping late at night got to do with it?

Last few weeks, I conducted experiment on myself and it proved that when we sleep late at night, we will easily fall asleep after lunch time especially in LT...can't focus anymore and then, just no more energy to continue. Plus, after lunch time, I don't know what happen anyway, the stomach tends to be warmer and make me feel asleep. So, such experiment conducted tells me that, if I don't eat lunch, just eat fruits, maybe can make me stay awake in LT...

Secondly, the professor's voice is another factor that can cause sleepiness....
Low frequencies sound...especially in Civil engineering courses, all the professors are man and their voice are damn low....low frequencies sound is hypnotizing!!!!

While high frequency is better a bit but still cause me to sleep in the end....(@$%%@$#@&)

So, currently, I am still struggling with this problem...I won't let this happen next semester and I am sure that, this semester all subjects taken sure die....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Actually, everything's facilitated in Malaysia just....

Be frank and I am just direct to the point here....

After reading Tun Mahathir's blog, so many comments on the Proton....which in his thought that the sales had been an increase in this few months....well, I just want to see how good is that because what he saw on the street is not based on the actual fact or statistics...(even statistics also deceives)....

Ok....here's the point....
Malaysian telecomunication plus broadband services- Many friends...suffer so much for the broadband offered by TM and other broadband services....Digi, Celcom and Maxis I bet, they have blazed their path in this service after struggling with the streamyx and here's their own market now....
Anyway, Screamyx...quoted by Jonnerson.....Do you know why? Yes of course...Just look at the name and you have a rough idea what he wants to say....slow...sometimes not stable....and let people scream!!!that's why called Screamyx rather Streamyx....I have no idea why the broadband service in home country can be like that? Is it regarding to any human resource problems or technical problems?? I hope this will not happen in the coming 3 to 4 years....(if not, 2020 will be very hard to achieve)

Malaysian products- The blog from Dr M, told me a lot about what has happened recently....and one of the recent thing he posted was the Proton's stuff.....
I am not that care about which brand I will drive on road in the future..as long as there's a car for me, that's it!
Well, according to many people, Proton......SUCKS!!!!That's the conclusion....
Why? Technology problem or technical problem again? No idea...I have no further discuss on this....put some comments if want to discuss...haha..

So, from the title....actually, everything's facilitated in Malaysia are just MMD.......MMD---> Ma Ma Dei....
Every intellectuals in universities in Malaysia do realize the problem. However, as usual, no action, no consequences!
So, the intellectuals (after graduate,pls la.... )should contribute themselves to the country and develop the country into a new era...though is hard to do that....as long the government is still protective....we cannot do anything further than that.....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's simple....

It's simple....
I just want to see my mum's will to be fulfilled...
She likes to cook and I know...I know she wants to share what she can do....

However, not everything runs very well recently and she is forced to close down the kopitiam....

It's disappointing for her...I know it...
When I was 10 years old, she owned a stall...small one of course in the market..
She sold the rice and dishes to the public and that moment was when before my grandmother got anything to do with the sickness...

She was happy to be like that....
She sold....she was happy...I knew it...
What she couldn't really handle was my grandmum's health condition which was getting worse from day to day...

She forced herself to close the stall..it's sad for her...and today, she needs to do that again...but not with the same reason fortunately. However, I just don't like to see her cannot do the things she wants the most....

I suggested to her to move back to Api Api there because it's in the centre of KK and it will be nice for everyone....Perhaps, she knows that if got extra manpower for her, she will continue the business....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A controversial concept

Last few days, I heard from my senior that they will have an open book exam in the coming final exams.

According to their news, since they need to rely on books in the work field, so the lecturer simply gives them an opened book exam instead of closed book exams.

Now, I wonder whether all exams will be conducted in such a way since everyone will do like that after graduation. So, what is the point to have a closed-book exams?? What's the point to memorise so many stuffs like those formula that engineers appreciate so much??

I never think of that before since we are born to take the exam. Nope, we actually are not born for exams!!
So, why do we need such an examination? When I was young, I still remembered what my teacher told me. The exams are for the overall assessment of our homework progress. Good to say but fail to implement a better policy. Why are exams so important that everyone scare of it and some people would start to cry when they were looking at the results slip?

There should be a rational behind it..In primary schools and secondary schools, exams are so important that they are required to be taken to assess your progress and be prepared to take the public exams such as SPM and STPM. This one I can accept that everyone of us needs to be consistent in our progress and be prepared to take the public exams. But, actually, what's the point to have an exam that closed-book and then make students suffer for memorising so many things....especially history!!! Understand nothing but memorising is the thing they are doing.

In working life, many engineers or doctors or other professionals also refer to books when they encounter a problem. So, why don't we treat the exam like a new problem that we encounter and we approach in an appropriate way? Opened-book exams, definitely is a proper way for university students.
For secondary and primary students, they have to be trained to fully utilise the brain so that they can have a better appreciation in what they are learning.

Exams are not a proper way use to assess a person's progress. Assignment in other words, really a nicer way to be conducted. In countries such as Australia, they emphasize assignment more that exams because they realise that the exams cannot be a absolute determinant of the progress of a student. Subjects like engineering, medicine , sure have a way to have assignment in a suitable way(to be decided by the course coordinator of course).

Unfortunately, I have no idea why the countries like Singapore and Malaysia stress so much in exams and make students suffer. Students actually are not born to take exams. We are born to learn!! We are born to be assessed in another way but not exams. For some students, exams are good, because they can know and understand how far they understand the thing they learn but majority of them end up professions as profs because exams are blindly theories. Some students prefer assignment because it involves a lot hands-on stuff. For me, both can be taking into consideration. Exams should be weighted lightly while assignments can be a better determinant for it.

What a piece of controversial article. Exams or not? This one really non of our business...

Friday, October 2, 2009


hm...1st of all, I would like  to wish everyone here( those who browsing my blog, or those who are busy with their assignment and never drop by a message for me...) Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

It's such a long time didn't type anything here but in the other place sure got a lot of comments....
2nd year of Mid Autumn Fest in Singapore....the difference is nothing is different from home. Because as we look up the sky, we are looking at the same moon.....We are looking at what other people also looking at, including you, my friends....

Anyway, it's been hilarious because it's 1st time ever, I have experience something different from home country....Surviving in the earthquake....not easy huh...
Well, I am too exeggerating it....In Padang there, there's a 7.9 in Ritcher Scale earthquake and it was spreading over the whole coastline of Singapore and West Malaysia.

At first, I did not notice any difference of earthquake because I never had it before seriously!!
I could feel my two big butt shaking and shaking for so long (for 2 mins, I suppose?)
Then, there's something wrong because it couldn't be my own problem...My butt's muscle would'nt shake for so long due to muscle strain or what medical term is that....kejang...deng...
keep shaking until I notice that the wall also in the vibration!!!

I was panic and then, I directly post in Facebook and said:" earthquake in NTU...." ??well, after that, the news said that there was a 7.9 big earthquake happened at Sumatera....
It's not fun actually. However, after this event, I am sure what earthquake feels like...at least not my buttocks are shaking ....(as I am sitting...ok....)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Untitled again

Don't know why....

When C said something about her love story, I just listened and felt numb to it but at the same time, I wished I could have half of her luck.

Just a few minutes ago, this kind feeling was quite strong and I really appreciate the situation I am in now.
Plus, I got some kinda trauma...well, this leads to the end of searching for the right one...

Just back from China Town to celebrate my ex-primary school mate's birthday. He and I had a good conversation forum in the busy street of  Chinatown and  seems he likes books very much and tries to hit 300 books in his room this year!

Sometimes, when a friend shared a story with me, I listened, but did I listen it to my heart and keep it as a lesson? Did I? Seems like I did not keep it so much and still, making mistakes over and over again.
Putting effort to forget something is also a problem when it comes to some one or some events that you will never forget. How to forget it? Perhaps you hit the wall and lost all you memories....

I wish I could do that...

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Here's a blog adapted from my friend. He's quite a talent in this thing and well, actually we are doing badly in maintaining the environment and we are just contributing ourselves to global warming...why? Check this out:

" Somehow i feel that the weather is just like a positive feedback.
The hotter it gets, more and more people install airconds and more heat is released by that compressor thing installed together with your air cond.
Besides, you get free CFC emission which is one of the deadliest ozone killer.
There's worse, with the rise in temperature, parents tend to stay inside their luxury cars and burn petrol just to keep themself cold while waiting for their beloved children in school.
Try turning the air cond in you car to max and stand outside next to the door, you'll know how much heat the people outside suffer while you enjoy your day reading novels and listening to your favourite radio..
Turn off your damned vehicles while you are not moving it anywhere!"

For such case, we can't help ourselves because we are already too dependent to nowadays technology.

One of the way we can do is just try to use less CFC emissioner and other relevant products that contribute to global warming.....
We can do it....why not?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stop thinking and dreaming?!

Since young in the age of 4 or 5, I always cannot sleep well....Don't know why....Think too much? Maybe...Here's my recent story in NTU....

Every time I walk alone and there's still a long journey to reach the destination, I will always think why shouldn't we travel like the Jumper?

I always wish to have those kind of power especially like Jumper...I can travel without using passport and less financial burden too...It's also not that tiring and I always want those kind of powers.
Unfortunately, we are created by God and we cannot possess these powers.
We are human beings..I really want to have this power actually, to go whereever I want, whenever I want, especially if I got this power, I can travel in a bink of eye from Singapore to KK and no need to stay in the hostel.

With that, I also can go to KL, Penang, to meet with my friends....

What a fantasy is that....but, no matter how I think, this won't be a reality.

So sad....

Sometimes, people ask me why I always seems unhappy and with sour face....I just tell them, I am thinking.
And also, I think about what I have not done today and what will I suppose to do for the next day.

During sleeping time, I also think a lot.. That makes me tired after I wake up in the next morning because I never have a good sound sleep!!
I always think...think bad and good....think of whatever I can....study, friends, events, portfolio to be done....many many more...

I just can't make myself stop thinking too much! I wish to have a good sleep and don't want to have whatever dream! Those dreams might be true in the future and it haunts me when I see something and it will be done in the next moment. Then, depends on the situation, I will let it happen naturally and sometimes will stop it.

Dreaming makes me tired and suffer in the next day where I cannot focus on my things, studies....
I nowadays, always sleep in the class and I really don't want to be like that...seems like I am not listening to the lecture and I cannot follow the class!! This morning is also the same...Sleep in the class like nothing...I tried to focus but still cannot....

Perhaps I should take more nap and stop thinking and dreaming...But, anyone know how to stop it??

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris

Sudah berapa lama saya tidak megguna bahasa Melayu untuk menaip atau menulis karangan, esei dan artikel selepas peperiksaan STPM .

Kenapalah saya ingin menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu? Tiada apa-apa yang baru dan saya ingin guna masa yang jarang dikosongkan ini untuk menguatkan bahasa ini.

Secara jujurnya, saya bukannya fasih dalam bahasa ini dan bahasa Melayu lah yang menyatukan hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia. Bagi mereka yang mengambil Hubungan Etnik di IPTA Malaysia, mereka sudah tentu tahu impian dan matlamat negara kita untuk menyatukan lagi perpaduan kaum melalui sistem pendidikan.
Namun, bagi golongan berfikiran konservatif, bahasa Melayu adalah hidup akar mereka dan tidak boleh hilang jejaknya. Untuk mendaulatkan kedudukan bahasa ini, mereka sanggup mengorbankan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantara dalam mata pelajaran Matematik dan Sains.

Dari aspek persaingan di antarabangsa, Bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa yang tidak boleh kurang untuk sesiapa. Bahasa Inggeris adalah cukup kukuh kedudukannya di antarabangsa, sama ada dari aspek Sains, sosial ataupun kemanusiaan. Persaingan antara negara-negara di barat sudah cukup melambangkan penggunaan bahasa ini sebagai bahasa pengantar di antara mereka. Ini adalah simbol era globalisasi.

Cuba lihat dari segi kawasan Asia Tenggara, Brunei, Malaysia dan Indonesia , hanya 3 negara sahaja yang menggunakan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar. Bukannya ingin merendahkan kedudukannya sebagai bahasa ibunda, tetapi, ada kalanya, kita perlu berfikir secara betul dalam keadaan yang betul.
Era globalisasi ialah sesuatu yang amat besar dan secara global. Jika ingin bersaing dengan negara yang lain, kita perlu menguasai bahasa Inggeris.

Walau bagaimanapun, kita masih tidak boleh melancarkan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris secara besar-besaran macam tahun 2003 yang lalu. Hal ini kerana, negara kita masih mempunyai kawasan pedalaman yang luas dan penduduk di kawasan ini tidak berfikir secara terbuka untuk menerima sebarang perubahan.

Penggunaan bahasa Inggeris adalah luas sama ada dari segi sosial ataupun sains. Dalam perjuangan mencapai wawasan 2020 , bahasa Inggeris ialah satu jambatan yang menyambung integrasi antara kaum, antara sektor-sektor perkhidmatan dan juga sektor perindustrian.
Jika penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu boleh berada dalam penggunaan yang optimum, saya yakin wawasan 2020 bukan hanyalah impian, tetapi ialah satu kenyataan!

Thursday, September 3, 2009



我不是想着什么,我只是觉得,我是没有必要要出席那个活动, 况且我很想赶功课啦!

MD, 我是真的没有时间!!!



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No more my own time...reschedule!

Recently, there are many things for me to finish.
Checking the Chinese Society store room, VIVACE X!!! Well, I got quite a lot of tutorials that have not done yet!

I have no time for it! I think after VIVACE, I can try to adjust back my own time and hopefully, I can have my really own time.
Rearrange the store room is still ok, and by the way, I haven't open the store room to take a look at it!

Things to be done in this week:

1. Meeting with my subcoms
2. VIVACE X performance!
3. Tutorials again!
4. study, study and study to prepare quiz!
5. MAF test games!
6. Reschedule my time table.
7. Waiting Suki come down here.....

Hey, come down with Suki to visit the what what what exhibition!
I really want to see you guys come down from KL (I've been KL for so many times to see u guys, hopefully this time is ur turn!)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Malaysians.....know little about H1N1?

WHO finds Malaysians have low understanding and poor knowledge of A (H1N1)

KUALA LUMPUR: A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has revealed that Malaysians have low understanding and poor knowledge on the spread of the Influenza A (H1N1).
Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the WHO report he received on Thursday showed the public did not take H1N1 seriously, leading to an increase in cases.
He said of the four campaigns, that on the wearing of nose and mouth masks, personal hygiene, use of sanitisers and hand cleaning, only the wearing of masks had given the public the most awareness.
"Public awareness on measures to check the spread of H1N1 is still low, despite the many campaigns held from May to Aug.
This includes high-risk groups.
"It seems that public response and awareness is still lukewarm. We cannot afford to be complacent," he told reporters after launching the "Let's Stop H1N1" campaign organised by MCA here on Saturday.
The report was filed by three WHO experts who were here to monitor the pandemic, including publicity campaigns and public response.
Liow said the ministry would continue to hold campaigns to raise public awareness via forums, talks and exhibitions with the support of the mass media, political parties and non-governmental organisations.
However, he was satisfied with the Government's proactive measures to check the spread of the virus.
"WHO knows that we have a sensitive and capable system that can trace and detect A (H1N1) patients fast. We are able to track and treat them early.
"Although the death rate in Malaysia is quite high, it is still within the WHO limit."
Malaysia has registered 71 deaths from H1N1.
He said WHO proposed that more beds be made available at intensive care units (ICU) in hospitals to accommodate high-risk patients.
"WHO's proposal will be implemented in hospitals as the number of H1N1 patients have increased."
Liow urged public transport operators to place sanitisers at terminals and distribute masks to passengers during the Hari Raya festive season to check the spread of the virus.
"The sanitisers will show passengers that the operators have high awareness of the virus," he said.
On public fears of a second wave of the A (H1N1) at year-end, that could claim more lives, Liow said hospitals had adequate supply of Tamiflu, the antiviral drug used to treat patients.-Bernama

Friday, August 28, 2009

Need to be focus

This week's schedule had been done and some of them were doing accordingly.
It's great and especially I got my own room now!!

Cheer for it of course. But, my room mate is a year 3 student and he has a friend who wants to have a temporary sharing with me. Actually, I am not really mind for that but I think I don't know them at all. So, I need to be cautious towards them.

Well, forget about it. Next, I will have rally today! Quite nervous and I afraid that I will forget my speech about it. I still got tutorial problems to be solved. And yet, tonight we will have the appreciation dinner outside of NTU!!
We will have steamboat at Bugis and it will be a very nice experience.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Plan to be done in this week

1. Submit the rally form for the Chinese Society election committee.

2. Do all my tutorials!!

3. To GET A ROOM!!!

4. Have to go up to Nanyang House to practise Harmonica as VIVACE X is coming soon!!

5. Election on Thursday!

6. Saturday , Election time for Chinese Society!! Vote for me! ( For NTU Chinese Society Members only)

7. Finish my tutorials by Sunday!

Seems easy but most of the plan gives me headache and I think I can't really handle it well..
So, start from now, I will arrange my time to keep myself busy!!Don't let myself think too much!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Room Dillema



I want a room!!!!!
I want a room!!!!!
I want a room!!!!!

It has been two weeks after the new semester started. For myself, it had been a really terrible period of my university life as I have to stay in my friend's room.
I don't have my own space to do my tutorials, my stuff, and even want to have my own privacy!!!

Though what they said that we will get the room as late as early September, I really mad!!
I am getting madder and madder because everything now is troubling me!!!

I just want to have my own space!! No matter how far away the hostel from the school, I still want it!!
It was not a really fair event for the hostel allocation thing as most of the 14 points students get the room already but I, also with 14 points but what the hell is going on in Student Affairs Office!!! Dxx!!!
And the Office of Finance too, they haven't give me salary!! wtf!!!

Anyway, my focus now is really just on the room!!!

I want a room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

FOA (Freshmen Orientation Activities)

以前,我不懂为什么Senior 们会在FOA之后哭,作为junior 的我,不知道,FOA是为了什么的那么令人感动。

Junior们的配合,加上maincomm 们在后的协助,GLSA们的努力下,FOA终于在GL的热泪中圆满结束。

当时候,我写的Post-FOA感言,其实很短,也没有怎样的形容FOA到底是怎样的一个活动。 当时,我还是糊糊涂涂的写了一些还蛮敷衍的话,是我的错。
原来,背后的意义重大,GLSA从彼此不知道是谁打谁到一起画banner、喊cheers、带juniors、带动气氛(玩lame games 之类的),都做到很棒!!我爱你们!!

糊里糊涂地、高高兴兴地又过了6天那么短暂的迎新营。 这果然是台上一分钟台下十年功的一句话。 就这样结束了,然后又要开学了,真的好想回到第一天从带动整组的气氛到缓和时间的话题,这都是我们maincomms,GLSA还有当然少不了juniors的配合与欢笑,都让FOA成功举办!!!

第一天的不认识,到第六天的感动,实在难以忘怀,尤其是第五天的initiation,带juniors的seniors 们,真的累到不像话,但是,我们还是撑下去,带juniors完成每一关。CLUEDO的场面,沉淀的气氛,让junior们心慌,我们有时候会担心他们的感觉,是否能走完整条黑暗之旅。其实,GLSA......是很关心junior的!

FOA的闭幕典礼一结束,Seniors 带juniors到一边,来述说和讲出感言来,几乎每个人都有哭,我是例外,因为我的泪水已经流完了,要流的话,就要等了。是有感动,但这种感动不是以泪水来形容一切,是用真心来散发出来的。昨天,每个人都讲到真心话,所以才会因此流泪,场面很感人。

FOA的结束,不是画上组的句号,而是大学生涯的另一个开始。 希望每个人都从中看到,或者感到FOA的努力、冲刺、关怀与展望。明年FOA再见吧!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



haih, camp才几天,我不知道为了什么,没有胃口,吃什么都很像吃水酱.....
Kuok Foundation 虽然到手了,但是还有很多善后工作要整理,这真的很糟糕。
Camp 的当儿,还碰到这些东西,要分身真的很难,也很对不起我的GL...
什么都帮不上忙,然后,在带juniors 的时候,又在呆在那里....废物一个.....


Friday, July 31, 2009

Condolences to my friend

Happy and sad in my 82nd day of 21 years old.

but, mostly is shocked..

Shocked of the news of a friend of mine.
She's died in an accident today.

When I saw it in facebook, I cannot believe that it would be true.

And a few moments ago, I just saw the comments in facebook, she passed away.

It is a loss for us, we will never forget what she did for us.
For me, though is not that familiar with her, I will still remember how she looks like, I will always remember her.

For happy thing, I have no mood to talk about it in this blog.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


It was a terrible experience when I got too tired and then I couldn't experience it myself.

Too tired due to lack of sleep. This is really what I think of camp and that's why I was so reluctant to join any camp in my life.

Till now, though there's still a little bit of reluctance, I feel that that was the moment we learn something from it.

Well, not more than a week later, I will be the new batch of senior and I will lead the juniors to do admin things, teach them cheers, and so on...
I am a lazy guy and as some of my friends know, I would not offer myself to get in this trouble.
But now, as long I can help them, I get my full satisfaction...for real!

It was not easy to get through a year here. Most of the ups and downs were created and found here. I thought I was tough enough to get it through but, seriously, if not the newly-known friends I made here, I will be alone in this whole year...

Wao....time passes seems very fast and I have 3 more years to graduate.
and now, I am welcoming the new juniors to come into the new environment.
This whole year, was really a tough moment without my best friends, family members' close distance support. But, it was a valuable experience to get here and at least, I learnt something in my 1st year in NTU.

It was a totally different experience for me and I believe for all people I know, if they are standing at my point of view, they will feel it too!




简单的热诚,真的不会很简单。要把它营造出来,都非不得要有一颗心!(It's not easy to do it, though I am still learning about it!)

Monday, July 20, 2009


这次的回家, 虽然没有那么多人在,但是在家的感觉是蛮好的。


只怪我会的时间太短暂,有些人已经不在了,回的时间又不刚, 所以,只能怪自己选错了时间。






Friday, July 17, 2009


When I stepped down the plane, breeze blew across the road leading to the entrance..

I walked. There's nothing sad or touched for me for this time homecoming as compared to last time. I don't know why. I just didn't get touched with any scene.

When mum fetched me, I just smiled at her. I felt the warmth of my home..

Home, I'm back..

Perhaps, there's nothing for me to bother about, I think there should be. But, no. It doesn't run across my mind.

What I feel sorry for today is I skipped the practice and I feel sorry to Jia Yi(Harmonica Band Leader). No chord today and for sure, it makes some difference between has and don't.
Sorry for that..

Well, this few days, I will have a good rest and by the way, I need to eat a lot to regain the shape.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


不再悲哀的日期(Start from now!!!)

男)造物弄人日记 谁叫也叫天不理
忐忑难眠 再追赶真理 为了力争一口气
(女)若现在来问你 谁可掌握真的美
如梦般优美 实际上绝对白欺
(女)尽了气力占有 终有天握碎
还末到尽头 而为何累透自己
(合)若我悲 伤心激气 也会订个日期
飞奔於清风里 全为了自己
若我哀 不安生气 这刹那再觅趣味
这个假期 天空里飞
忧郁天气 也会骤觉凄美

~~~Adopted from song by Steven Ma


Group outing 过后,整个人舒爽了,放松很多,感谢重金鼠还有高电鸭,让我在Bedok有个美好的回忆,就算是没有玩到很久,但是,我已经足够了。谢谢

详细图片(很多自拍照哦,不好意思!),请到facebook浏览吧!! haha....

Monday, July 13, 2009


Just back from the basketball court and had a chat with Sam

He told me a lot of his story and also taught me a lot of what he said.

Meaningful and it's what happen around myself also.

I didn't realise that there's some one also has the same experience as me.

Well, life is just as interesting as in the movie. We can't predict what will happen next but we really excited with the 'to-be-continued' term!!

Unpredictable...means we really cannot guess what will happen and the IFs keep circulating in our mind....such that " What if ...like this, it will be like that" some sort of things.

My movie....my life...I just simply can't stand for it...it's too dangerous and I really need someone to continue with me...
This not mean that I am weak, but still need someone to guide and advise....
As chinese proverb said: "人生如戏,戏如人生“, this phrase symbolises our life, as a movie...we can't predict and only He knows and He will arrange..

Currently, I heard of some rumours about a couple which just broke up...My friends said, some people, they are just want to be dated so to be dated. This is not a very good concept meaning of love...They neglected the meaning of it and just simply playing with that..

I guess, that's why nowadays quite a number of marriage fail due to the misunderstanding and 'fooling around' mindset. From the story I heard, it was sad because I thought they will be happy together but, now, I realize that, there's nothing called certain.

In our life, many things are getting uncertain more than the other way...I am upset with this and shocked..
For my own destiny and my life, better leave it like that..let it be like that...step by step..follow the path..the right path..though the path chosen is not that correct...I have to , insist to continue....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

An old man in MRT train

Some stories that I've forgotten long time ago and I never share it to other people is due to my negligence instead of my unwillingness to share. Here's a story which really happens to me, simple yet meaningful.

This morning, when I was taking MRT to Bugis, there was an old man who just boarded and of course, in MRT train, the old people should have priority to have a seat.

However that old man smiled and told me that:"Is alright for me to stand. I would like to stand till the last stop because I will fall asleep if I sit down. Anyway, still a long journey to Bugis and I'm sure there will be other people will let the seat for me.."

When I heard it, I was quite shocked and I felt a bit sorry for him because as young people, I have the responsibility to give the seat to them.
He continued the conversation by telling me his story and among the line he told me, I remember the most was the line which sounds :" Life should be happy, whether you are rich or not, health is the most important one and with good health , you can make money."

Listening to this, suddenly I had a lesson which I forgot long time ago...is him, who recalled all the lessons I learnt before.
He said, we should be happy always no matter what.
Even the situation is bad, we have to encounter it no matter what.

A stranger who can tell me that much topic, I think is no one but him. An old man in MRT train.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Irrational step

I was reading the Star this morning and saw this title:

"Maths and Science back to Bahasa Malaysia"

I really shocked with this article and again surprised with the news which was published in sinchew jit poh which said that there is an association will fight for the rights of Malay Language teaching in universities...

It was a really great shock for me as I am a student who always support the good and a better policy which benefits the future of a nation.

This is terrible and this act will just only affect the competitiveness of our young generation in the globalisation era. Not just for that, the government had been so irrational to take this step as this will cause a lost in publication companies, not for the sake of whatever profit that they want, but I call it for the sake of the young generation here.

People from other countries can take the initiatives to learn the language well, why not our people?
The government came out with the survey stated that most of the teachers did not use English as the teaching language in Science and Maths, and also quite a lot of students cannot catch up with the language because of the difficulty of language.
All of this can be solved if the fanatic groups do not interfere the policy. Think of what the best for the young generation and the future.
Ok. Malay and Chinese are important, however, do you think of what will happen if our people deal with the international business after that?
Malay is not deniable that is a very important language for us, it symbolised the independent and what they so-called it's their main characteristics of the race. Malay language has been taught for many years and now the language issues keep shifting again and again after so many years and yet did not see any improvement in the education system. It failed.

So, why not the education system just stick to one language and it will unite us all?? Isn't that 1Malaysia policy working like that??

Random shout out and post...


Just simply want to shout out loud after whole day work....still have a lot to follow up though the semi final was few days ago...still have a mini concert, and a final!!!

Well, SA's things ain't going to finish that soon and I really need time and space to relax now!!

FOA is not too far away from now and my home....is far away from the island....a sinful island!

There's no happiness here, only other feelings occupy my mind.....
Happiness had already gone and I try very hard to get it back..

Just imagine, I live alone...ok la...it's still not the end of the world now....just imagine..ok? haha..

Back to the story, just realize that I really tired and getting boring of working...I can't imagine how determine are those workaholics.... I try to get myself into it, but..seriously, I fail..maybe is my current lifestyle can't fit into the working days...I need to modify the timetable so that I can have a colourful day for the next day...
1. Sleep early
2. Eat healthy
3. Exercise regularly!!!!(The MOST IMPORTANT)

Second year is coming and juniors will come to NTU soon...my days will be more crowded than before....working is not an option for next semester..due to packed schedule!!
hm....kinda pity!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


It started when I was back to Singapore...

Whether is unfortunate or not, I straight away had flu within 2 days after back from KL!!!I started perspiring last night and until this morning, I still in the same condition till I got the medicine from Lun Ming...Thanks...But, now , I return to the original shape where I still having my nose stuck, getting hot(fever)!! and start perspiring some more!! Sometimes, I did experience some sudden ache at my joints..

Darn it....I can't sick coz I still have to work!!!

I need to earn my livings!!! what the heck I now having??!! Looks like I have to rest again?? But, as long as rest more n less online, will be ok...I think.....

Hope is not the one which is now very popular in 'demand'.....H1N1!!!Shxx

Friday, July 3, 2009

Against all odds

How can I just let you walk away
Just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here taking
Every breath with you
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me
When all I can do is watch you leave
'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain
And even shared the tears
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now
Oh there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against all odds
And that's what I've got to face

I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You're the only one
Who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
But to wait for you is all I can do
And that's what I've got to face
Take a good look at me now
'Cause l'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
That's the chance I've qot to take

Take a look at me now

By Mariah Carey

Sounds great when I listened to this just now...Though is an old song, still worth to listen to and it won't be bored..(don't listen for so many times at once...)

It reminds of my past few days and I should take the initiatives to do against all odds!!!

Guys, I am ok ....Don't worry and we can do this together ...Against all odds!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


如燕~Olivia Ong.....




我刚刚在练习时就吹到这首歌,感觉很不错,download 来听,原来真的很好听...

整首歌的melody,听了扣人心弦,有如梁静茹的《情歌》般.....但是,这首特别的地方,不是每一首歌都有的哦!! 去听听吧!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Get my salary!!

Get my salary already...really excited about my blood and sweat in May...which caused me to wake up every morning and go back to my room about 5 pm every day!!!

Quite tired but, worth because..at last I see my credit in written in a piece of paper...called money!!!

not money minded, but is kinda reality that if we work and get nothing, you will get annoyed!!!

1st thing to buy...shoes!!! what ever shoes, basketball shoes...
5th...chocolates..ready to spend it to whom I owed...
6th...Sakae sushi with Pei Ling....

Oh ya...happy birthday ya Pei Ling...haha....

Sounds like this money is quite handy now...it's really...coz I really need them...to pay the hostel fees(priority)...and cope my next 2 semesters living expenses...at least to lessen my parents burden?! that's compulsory...

it's quite sad that I can't work in next semester due to the packed schedule...sigh...have to ask parents for money again...quite ashamed of myself sometimes....-.=""

well, i have to save it before I really can't work...Gambateh Lai...sure can!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No Money, No TALK??

No money no talk...

This phrase is quite old but still useful in these days....actually, is so practical in our daily life...

My salary has not come out yet..I wonder I can survive with limited budget this few days....I guess is the time for me to eat grass, wood and something around me which is quite accessible..

Talking about money..When we were young, money had been invested in a bulk amount where our parents dumped a lot to buy milk powder, baby shirt, socks and so on...I and Ka Yee calculated those things before, it took about RM 200000 to invest on a child until secondary school and this number is yet to increase...and that number was in last 10 to 15 years time...

So, in order to outlook our future, please spend wisely... I started to wonder whether I made the right choice to come here because I work, and I spend....is not in a directly proportional relationship...the expenditure is some kinda increasing exponentially....So pathetic....

I totally no idea the spending on just eating, can spend that lot....I was a great eater, now, not that so....due to some ikat perut habit....I am happy with it...My bro now is a greater eater than me, perhaps in my family he is the greatest!! still like that...

Making the right choice....I think I made a stupid choice to choose UMS instead of UM or UKM...if not, I can use Shell Scholarship to study and not like now, using loans and parents money...currently though working in library...earn a bit ...but still have guilt in taking parents' money excessively to come to Sg to study...

UMS not I don't like, is just..I want to live apart from the hometown so that I can learn something else..not just in Sabah only...If I now, still in UMS, I think, I won't think that much already..because, it just 30 minutes from my home and it's convenient..a lot!!!

However, choices are not easy to make...I have to settle down in a new environment, unfortunately, I took about a semester to settle down my studies before I can achieve what I really can..I have to start over again..

If I were given chances, I hope that everything can be started again....Though money is a lot powerful in this world, but still, there's something money can't buy forever...I learnt about it, I appreciate it well, I hope everyone thinks like that too...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back from CCC...

3 days ago, I went to NUS and stayed there for 3 days 2 nights due to the event called CCC -> Chinese Cultural Camp...organized by NTU and NUS Chinese Society..

This camp was awesome if we look physically and the participants learned a lot from the camp and I was part of the organizers subcoms, also felt that I never regret to join this camp...However from the eyes of the organizers, I saw a lot of careless mistakes that we made...afterall, we are human being...Sometimes, we make mistakes and we don't know until we realize it....and it's kind of too late...

NUS committees shot at NTU committees and vice versa...That's what happen in last night when the debrief was taken in the MPH--->Multi Purpose Hall..
Two sides blamed each others and then they also realized that they also have theirr own mistakes....

Organizing a camp or any events, I honestly realize that, we can learn something from it and it's a very useful tool for us to make us become more mature in sense of thinking and coordinating....

CCC....I learned a lot, I saw a lot and I felt a lot from the talk of some special guests....

Sometimes, people are trying to be smart and in the end, they expect something better which at last in the other way round...We are not special one and we cannot expect something better but at least we did try our best, that's it!!!

From a quote of my friend in NTU
" 年龄不和成熟成正比,只是和时间成正比, 年龄越大,吃的米越多,但有没有不断学习,视人而定, 所以一个人成熟与否是看他/她有没有心,花时间花心思学习成长 "

I really agree with what she said...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Trip with Su Ki In Singapore

Last week, Su Ki came to Singapore and he stayed in my room...and surprisingly, he overall expenditure was really low that I couldn't believe that he is really a smart consumer....whahaa...

with only SD150, he walked around some of the places of interest in Singapore, such as Singapore Flyer(I also on the Flyer!!), Singapore Science Centre, Chinatown and many more....We did not stop by at Sentosa due to time constraint...He was just amazed with the Singapore Zoo and came back to my hostel at 11pm!!!

Ok...1st day, he and I went to Chinatown to eat the famous 花生汤圆..we were full after that and I tried to cut down the cost and made us walked for a few kilometres to reach the Singapore River(it's quite a good experience, because now my feet is kinda pain)...After that, we reached the River at last!!!

Took pictures around the Singapore River and at the same time, I was a tour guide for him...-.=""
We dropped by the Merlion Park and accidentally saw a really happening event - Singapore Art Festival and we stopped there for a while to watch the performance..After that, we walked again to Esplanade(The Durian I mentioned before)..We saw a Japanese band singing at the outdoor theatre..It's cool!!!
I never see a girl blowing trombone before...amazing!!! After that, tired....we walked!!! We continued our journey to Suntec City where the largest fountain in the world lies there... We realised that we had not eat dinner after the 汤圆...So, we went back to my room and on the way, we stopped by and having our dinner at Pioneer.

Second day not much to describe as I had to work and he told me that he nearly lost in Singapore!!!-.=""
He wanted to get to Science Centre and instead of getting there, he dropped by at the nearest shopping mall and hang around till evening!!(poor guy)..After finish my work, we went to Plaza Singapura to meet Ashley(who also in Singapore!!)...and afterwards.....we ate our dinner below the Concorde Hotel....I think I shouldn't listen to JC as this things also can be eaten in my uni...-.="" plus....mahal!!!

After that, I brought him to the famous Orchard Road and we did not buy anything though the Great Singapore Sales is at this moment!!! but, really a great day with him after we lost our way in Marina Bay and took MRT again to City Hall to walk to Singapore Flyer....

The day after that, he walked himself as I had meetings and feel sorry for him...Sorry ya Su Ki....and thanks for coming.....I really appreciate the time we spent!!!

From Flyer.....the construction site of the extension of Central Business District of Singapore...

The bridge ....don't know what it's called already...haiks..

Maybank in Singapore....hm...wonder whether it has its own business in other countries too?

Merlion park.......where we saw the Singapore Art Festival.....

Esplanade, the theatres on the Bay....we saw many couples there and the Japanese Band too!!

The Japanese Band performed well and created a very good atmosphere around...making the audience amazed!!

We had the picture taking time on the Flyer.....Wish all the best for him!!!^.^

Say good bye to Singapore Flyer....I wonder why there's no nearest MRT station around the Flyer...We had to walk for 20 mins to reach there!!! from City hall Station!!

Thanks a lot Suki....You made my weekend alive at that time...if not, I will really waste my time at that time....

p/s: for more photos, pls log into Suki's facebook.....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time to decide

Hm......again....seems like this is not a really good deal....the opportunity cost to forgo is really big!!!!

Hope you guys can really consult me with this....

Hence, future is really what we said..mystery yet challenging!!

Don't know whether I dreamt of this before?!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Dillema solved

Well, I think the dillema had been solved....

It was a truly beautiful misadventure of my life...

But, thanks a lot, I don't want to repeat as this is really a tough period for me...
Working + thinking + managing events---> not easy for me...

This can change me and hopefully the changes will please everyone!!

On My Way

By Cyndi Wang

走过跟你走过的街 难过感伤一些
有些事无法感谢 我终于了解
是我把爱弄得太完美 多完美还是会枯萎
你最后那一句再见 才让我学会 怎么放爱去飞
擦干了眼泪 我不要安慰
日子会过去才对 都是黑咖啡
不想活在重播的情节 你知道我想着谁
虽然梦想难免被现实打碎 On My Way
我在美丽的世界 回头对你说 Good-Bye
擦干了眼泪 我不要安慰
日子会过去才对 都是黑咖啡
不想活在重播的情节 不再跟自己责备
换来伤悲 天亮天黑 On My Way

有时候, 对别人好,对自己会是好的吗?


On My Way, on my way to let the past..........

做工时和办event 的时候,偶尔想一下,到底我每一个步骤和决定是刚的吗?



Wednesday, May 27, 2009

思念 + 端午节 + 狂想曲



想吃外婆亲自买+做的, 因为超大个又好吃!!!





想着未来,要如何下一个决定, 才不会让自己难过,难受....

想着要如何应付来临的year 2....


刚刚,妈打来....她说 aunty 要定扣肉,我说好啊....说着说着,谈起我的事来....

嘉仪, 始终还是回去又遇不到的时候....看来是到了新年的时候,才会到你家去拜年吧...hehe...


家里变得实在太多了,或许,回家可以好好的享受一下那个改变吧....那就是为什么,每个人已经回到家好好休息,利用整个学校假期去玩,而我在这个笨蛋地方,打工, 卖命!!!!


好想回家哦......我不要闷死!!! 有时候,真的很想讲一句晓萍的口头禅.......(我不会真的讲出来的啦..haha)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009



上周六(28日) 在波那维斯达生物医药研究园(Biopolis)召开的《飞乐时空》媒体发布会,主办单位就正式启用了今年比赛的官方网站,这也意味着比赛的正式展开。



本地著名歌曲创作人许环良及吴庆隆曾是《飞乐时空》的评委。号称‘水上飘’的许环良,更是比赛中,以从业者的角度,给予参赛者们珍贵的讲评。不仅如此,著名歌手阿杜、张峰奇、伍家辉、蔡淳佳和台湾著名高音团体苏打绿也曾担任比赛的表演嘉宾。本地歌手潘嘉丽、第一届校园SUPERSTAR高美贵, 扬策和黄韵琴更是参与过《飞乐时空》如此有看头的比赛。





欲知更多详情,请上《飞乐时空》官网 musicexpress-15.com

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank God!!!

Thank you....You are the creator, You are the finisher!!!

Thanks for your blessing...and my hard work did pay out for what I got!!!

Exam results has been released and I am quite surprise with 2 things, one is Biz law and another one is Physics 1...Both of them are out of my expectation...this time, I have to celebrate it tomorrow!!! wahaha...

Overall, I have a nice second semester compare to last semester..it was a disaster!!
And this time,I got what I did ....Just nearly strike my target..which to get second upper class for whole 1st year!!!

still got 0.01 to go!!! haha....

Thanks again....U are great!!!

List of the resutls...

Life Science -B
Physics 1 - A-
Material Science - A-
Mathematics 2 -A+
Lab - A-
Business Law - Satisfactory.....> thanks to Shin Yi...help me to understand some terms...thanks a lot...

Friday, May 15, 2009


I don't know how and don't know why..

but somehow, I know that I have no the courage to face it....

Today, I will attend for a dinner for Alumni Reunion Dinner as a student helper...
Notice that previously, we are not going to do something in order to get the fund from AAO(Alumni Affairs Office), but this time, we have to do something that is wasting my weekend..

exception for Sunday which I will go to Bugis to distribute the flyer, to inform the public that the Music Express is coming!!!
My weekends now are not mine already...I have to start busy and make myself into a working mode....hey, suppose that weekends are time to leisure and think more things to do??

I'm glad that I still in contact with some friends, and I will get rid of my bad attitude that some of them point out....I will !!!!
Kinda tired when the time passes that fast without any notice and on Monday, we as student assistant in library have to take temperature...Sad...sad to hear that KL has the 1st case of H1N1...

I really beg and pray...all of us are safe from this 'thing'!!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


我生日, 不会很高调, 因为每一年的母亲节, 我都会把我的生日摆在母亲节...


过了生日,又是全新的一天, 所以,没有什么大不了的东西..




虽然很多人通过facebook 和 msn 来向我祝贺,但是就是差了一点东西,我也不懂.....

我实在太看轻别人了,所以,我真的要改过!! 要不,我很想失忆!!想忘记所有!!


我很累了, 我等的很幸苦,我需要休息....我很想吐,我很想 我很想找回以前的感觉,对每个人的热情....对每个人的思念,尤其是你, 我真的很想你.....


Saturday, May 9, 2009


My last day of 20 years....

Have to make use of it wisely...

Anyway, today , the most important thing is, wishing Happy Mother's Day to my mum, wish her have a great day and healthy always...

Every year, I celebrate my birthday with my family, not with friends actually, due to the Mothers' Day....Everyone has to celebrate Mothers's Day and I am not going to interupt the celebration like that....hm....seems that this year, I am alone....

But, I almost every year forget my birthday because I nearly forget my important day due to some busy things going up in this period...
And , all the wishes are not going to be true everytime I wish it in birthday..
So, for me, my birthday is nothing, but a normal day like everyday....
Actually, if everyday can live happily, is enough....

This year's wish: H1N1....pls go away!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


This song .....

你还好吗 好久不见
又来这里 这个老店
後来的你 喜欢了谁
我们 聊聊天
现在的你 一样美丽
至於爱情 是个回忆
她不爱我 他离开你
爱会来 就会去

这样的我 那样的你


窗外的树 爱哭的风
烦恼的我 聪明的你
爱是什麽 什麽人懂
所以 别难过
心还痛吗 请忘了吧
所谓幸福 是个童话
後来的我 一切随意
所以 没关系

这样的我 那样的你

那年的梦 他乡的你

By Khalil Fong and Fiona Sit

Sorry.......Mum, Dad

This blog is dedicated to my mum....and my dad too.....

Mum and Dad,

Sorry that I could not go back home to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day with you...

I know that this is what we can't do about....You asked me to stay here to earn some for my own...But, for me, what I really want is not really this, I want some reunion....
After I came here, I really appreciate our relationship...after all, the family bond is really important for me...

I promise next year's Parents' Day, I will go back home to celebrate with you no matter what....

Your son, Ah Hien

This blog is dedicated for myself to remember myself about this...

Hey stupid,

Your 21st will be next week already....still have many things haven't complete yet...

So, you have to accomplish it before a deadline...

I have no right to give some orders to you do it immediately but, as long as can accomplish it without doubt...it's good...

Your soul, Lai

Ya....sometimes, have to type something stupid about my blog...1st thing to tell my parents is, Happy Mother and Father's day....every year, I celebrate with them....but now, we are apart...But, I still need to celebrate it, because they are my parents, I respect them very much...I wish them, healthy always and have a good business run...

It had been nearly a year in Singapore and I knew a lot of new friends especially my Hall 6 Gang...I knew they don't know I have this blog..But still, I really appreciate what we have been through...

At here, I learn a lot of things, including play mahjong and other games...Well, although sometimes my friends asked me to gamble together, but still, I asked for some favour...not to gamble that big..haha...it's kind of entertainment when nothing to do in hostel..yea...it's true....especially now, is holiday!!! Damn boring...

Others like football friends, on Saturdays, we had our football session and my basketball gang...who will be with me on the highest peak in SE Asia next January...
We all in this way and get along very well...

And not only that, I still manage to reunion with Ah Seng, my childhood friend who left Sandakan and studied in KK back to 10 years ago like that...hm....this world is again, what I said, small, crowded , hot and flat!!(the final 3 items are adapted from a book..^^)

I had disastrous semesters and I will make it better next semester, hopefully can do something to pull my CGPA up to 4.0 next semester...I don't know since when, A's are not my friend anymore...So, have to catch up with them next semester!!!

This is my life in NTU...maybe I will update a bit in next blog....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

At last....

Got little breeze blowing across my room....This is pleasant although is not that strong..

For days, there was neither wind nor temperature drop in Singapore....Damn it...Hot till heck!!

All of sudden, my friends all complaining about the weather and what's wrong with the weather this few days....It was super hot...

Just now browse through Nana's blog and read the recent blogs, I really outdated with what had happened in the school...

They are still like that....She is still like that....hm..wonder how are they?
I suppose that the mid year exam is coming soon....

And not least, a quite important day is coming soon for me too!!!

I will definitely spend that day with 100% efficiency! After all, it's my important day!!

Three more to go, and I now still blogging, am I giving up so soon?? I won't let myself die like that!!!

At last, still have 21 days to go......to my day.....

Monday, April 6, 2009

I am Taurus......(p/s:be focus on the last few paragraph)


A quiet simple man who can do something unexpected to shock you. Taurus man
mostly medium tall, strong with good health, good strong body. When he
talks, he likes to turn his head to one side on one direction. His body will
be quite straight, facial structure tend to be square shape more than other
shape. His eyes sparkle with liveliness.

Even when he is in love, he is still a free wild bird. He is a sand in your
palm, the more you want to hold it, it will slip out. If you stand and hold
it still, it will stay that way. Don't set the rules and draw a line for
him, he will not stay.

When you are with him, he will think only of you. But an hour later he could
change his mind. He is very patient with other people, but very impatient
with himself. His world always turning and it will not stop just because he
loves you. If he up sets, he will show it right away. If something has gone
wrong, he will blame his own carelessness instead of blaming other people.

He sincere to his friends even to some friends he does not like. He likes to
do odd things and surprise other people. He could be fully dress in a nice
suit and jump in the pool. He could slap your back so hard just to make you
turn around to see he has flowers in his hand. He never want to get too
close with anyone for he thinks living in reality is living by yourself.

He does not care what people think when he behave weird. He could be walking
bare feet and laughing at people who laugh at him and think they are so
narrow minded. He does not likes to follow conformity, but always want to
search for new ventures, new mystery. He will interest in a life of a
millionaire as much as a life of an old man selling newspaper on a sidewalk

He like to search and analyze people and things. He will analyze his friends
or his girl friend, and once the mystery is gone, he will search for new
puzzle to solve. He can not easily understand thing, so he will gradually
learning about you till he fills up all his questions.

He knows so many people ,but he has a few friends. He looks for quality
friends than quantity friends. He will be close with some friends shortly
and move on. He always feel lonely even surround by many people. He could
create his own little world, and sometimes no one would understand him. He
looks only for future and he thinks he lives for the future. He may wonder
how many people think like he does, but he does not want to be like the

A man with a conflict personality. He is a cool, understanding, able to work
well, and very artistic. Taurus man could be an artist. He could shock you
as much as he is able to clam you down when you up set. He is a free spirit
who likes venture, but when he wants to be alone, do not touch him but to
let him be. He won't disappear from the crowds too long, he will be back.

He will give you straight forward opinion or comments, but will never advice
what he thinks you should do. He does not like people to tell him what he
should do too. He thinks each individual dreams and thoughts should be very
private. He will use his brain not his body strength, so he will let other
guys compete. He has a certain satisfactory in life and hate to force
himself in competition. He may seems careless, but actually he is a thinker
and a stubborn one.

He sees anythings in details and not easily trusted people till he thinks he
knows them well. You can just smile and he will think why and what are you
smiling about, and if you are pretending. Once he trust you and accept you
as a friend, no one can says other wise to change that for he will not
listen to gossip. He will be honest and sincere to his friends.

He hates lies, so he will not tell you lies. If he finds it is necessary to
lie, he will find other ways not to tell you or avoid telling you anything.
If he really has to lie, you will never be able to tell that he is lying. He
can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is a lonely soul.

If you want this kind of guy, you have to be an interesting person. He has
to be curious about you. Hell for him is 'No Freedom', so if he marry you
then you should know it is the biggest decision in his life. Always be
interesting, then you could have him beside you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Launching of Music Express in Biopolis!!

One thing I can feel this few weeks is, stress....

Because the exam is around the corner and then, phew....Music Express 15 finally successfully launched at Biopolis!!!!

Please go and support the event!!!

We are glad to hear and see the support from all of you no matter where, who are you!!!

Below are the pics from the launch:

Biopolis!!!The ideal place for work ...but then, quite stress...I think so..

Music Express display!!!
Come and Support!!!


All the crews're having their refreshment before the launch...The refreshment was killing!!!It's nice and I had all the tenpura before my other friends got it!!


Why Yan ling kena panggil like that huh??

Haha...anyway, I had a great day and hopefully what I've done will not be wasted like that!!!

Thank you for coming to support--->Special thanks

1. Huan Shin
2. Tong Ling
3. Yao Zhong
4. Jing Long
5. Xin Yu
6. many many more...I forgot liao...paiseh!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009


最近, 心里总是有点不对劲。。。。

那天,我和一班朋友到Jurong East Super Bowl Centre 玩保龄球,基本上,我可说已经和保龄球脱节了蛮久。。。





听说现在是春天了,我看Ah Chang 的部落格,我真的很想到英国走一趟....



Friday, March 6, 2009


Recently, got too many bad news happened around me...

Suddenly, I feel that our valuable lives turn out to be fragile!!!
Too fragile under extreme condition!!

One of the case that happening on Monday was there's double suicidal act after attempting in stabbing professor from behind! And then, what was the main curiosity is:"Still not confirm that what was really happen to him?"

I am not those who can receive news at an instant...some of them made this as a joke and I really disappointed with these people...why people already died and they still want to talk a lot rubbish about that or related to that?

Another case also regarding to the death of a student in NUS..but this time was just a student....an exchange student from USA, drunk too much in his hostel and then, died suddenly due to difficulty in breathing...

It reminds me of the fragility of our lives.....condolences to those people...

Well, these case absolutely aware us about the seriousness of losing the lives...especially for me...I have many things undone....I want to finish these things 1st...

I am nearly 21 years old, and I still have not done something which is so called greatest moment in my life....I want to do that before I really can say something ending my life without regretness...anyway..just a simile to say that..I won't do that in real life....(ending life seems like commit suicide for me, but not...think other way ok....)

Distance is so far away...I just have to stay here and sitting in front the laptop while waiting for reply for chatting....suffer!!
Sometimes, I want to be permanent loss of memory....I suffer so much before and I just want to be myself....I don't want to think back those unhappy things but...
seems again and again, it flows through my mind...

Well, try to confess to someone need bravery...do I have that? Do I afraid of losing something that is already built? Do I suppose to wait? and wait and wait? Am I a coward?

This week gave me too much lessons on our lives....need to appreciate our valuable lives!! Take healthy habit and sleep early wake early...tiredness will go away...surely..

P/S: "Fragility of our lives, depends how we behave in our life...If got anything stuck in your heart, just tell and share to others...don't put it in your heart..."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

International Cultural and Travel Fair..18/2 to 19/2..got free lunch with a ticket given before!!

oo...a grasshopper...a gift from what Jia Yi and me got after we had a fun game in Vietnamese booth...

What is Wei Chong looking for???Seems lost eh him....Fatt Keong stoood near him also a bit blur blur..by the way, just kidding, they were q'ing up for the free lunch...

ICTF...International Cultural and Travel Fair....people mountain people sea....

2 of my friends disguised in mascots...while I walked towards them, I was slammed by one of them..haha..I knew who they were...

Back to my room.....so long way to go...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mosquitoes crisis

Man.....after the handphone crisis, here comes another one, typically shxx...

The mosquitoes come and sting and go away...Sometimes I managed to clap a few but still not enough to beat down their 'spirit' to come and drink up my blood!!!

Gosh...my feet are not my feet already...Totally a pity!!!

Looks like I have to buy a mosquito extinguisher to get rid of them from my legs!!!and of course my body!!!

argh....look up the corner of my room, there are a splash of spider webs and it looks like never end!!!

The room although looks clean physically, still can feel the itchiness..don't know where it comes from!! that's the problem...

P/S: How come the problem keeps coming to me?? I sometimes really cannot stand of the itchiness....My foot already scratched till red....haiks..

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Handphone crisis 4-The end of nokia 5200, the rise of sony ericson K770i + Valentine's day walk-around

Well, a bit stupid with the title but is true after I bought a new handphone(at last, I have my new handphone)...

And behold, here's the handphone, K770i...for your information, if you never see this phone before, you are encouraged to log into sony ericson's website to have a look in it..

I recommend this phone, not bad at all, since it has auto focus + cyber shot(I like it!!)

I never have a phone like this and hopefully can use it for a long time.....

For my nokia 5200, poor it will be send for repairing....in KK perhaps...


Yesterday was Valentine's day, I went to Chinatown, Bugis and Sim Lim to have a good walk..well, since it was a nice day, a lovely day....and I had a great moment with my seniors and friends....They are all hilarious ones and though still single, they still can happy together....值得敬佩.....hahaha....

We ate our dinner in Chinatown and it was a nice one...I never eat something that delicious and although it costs much, as long as we come out for some while, it's still consider reasonable...haha...

Good weather...suits the day with many lovely couples on the street....虽然心里有点感慨,but wish them for good and enjoyable day is what I can do!!!

Talking about the phone, I suggested to buy the phone in Malaysia next time....It doesn't cost much as compare to Singapore...Because, Singapore charges for taxes on these things, I forgot about that and can be said foolish enough to buy the phone in Sg...I will remind myself not to buy in Sg again..