About Me

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KK, Sabah, Malaysia
Simple guy with passion to life and interest My life is here and there

Friday, April 30, 2010

It's normal

It's happy to be on the keyboard once again when I have the time to relax a bit for blogging.

After these few days of preparation and hard work, exam results will be announced in another 2 months time, I hope that there will be some good news though I knew that this semester is going to be one of the worst at here..

It's normal. I know it will be a tough one. Sometimes, we need to take some risks for a new challenge. I don't like the change. The change of the temperature surroundings, change in people's mind, change in environment.

However, it's normal. We need to do it, face it everyday.

Afraid of not improving myself. I really don't know whether I have any improvement or not.
What I want to do is just want to show it to you guys that I am a different person than before.

Just a random post.
It's hot here, now!

Saturday, April 17, 2010





Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Exam period

Exam period is in the house and most of the , I think all students are now concentrating in the studies instead of watching any stupid movies.
For me, I had tried my best to be focus in the studies recently and I found that I am not that ok...
Anyway, it's due to my own problem and I knew and noticed that since very long time ago.
I want to study ...haha...
But, there's a lot of things to be done recently including the orientation camp preparation, and the trip to some where else.

Be focus !!!!

Another issue I want to touch here is , I wonder why there's so many friends can have relationship in such a period easily.
Last semester also witnessed there were few couples popped up...This semester's exam period also pop up a few couples!
Wonder .... hm...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is peer evaluation necessary to be told to a person since it's called confidential?

Just receive an annoying call from my lazy groupmate.
Very obvious that he did not really commit in the assignment and he was also not that proactive like others in my group.
I gave him that point was just according to his "workload".
I think I am right to do that..
But, my damn tutor, who is also another annoying person( who told us to go to the tutorial at 815am but she came in late at 845am!), called him or sent him an email regarding to the low peer evaluation points for him.
And I thought this was supposed to be confidential??

Just asking you guys, whether this kind of evaluation is relevant enough and then is it confidential among the tutors and the students themselves??

That tutor bullshitted!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

When will I grow up??

Did I grow up??


No...no idea...


A lot of things to be done in these days....

I just want to relax...when can I relax?