About Me

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KK, Sabah, Malaysia
Simple guy with passion to life and interest My life is here and there

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Phew.....finally is out!!

I think I am quite lucky to get such results...Thank God!

For the 1st time, I am really satisfied with my performance..Anyway, I need to buck up for more for the coming semesters! I knew I can do it!

CV2001-Engineering Probability and Statistics-A+
CV2101-Mechanics of Materials - A
CV2301-Soil Mechanics -A
CV2601-Fluid Mechanics-A+
HS809-Understanding China Today - Pass( not counted in GPA)


As the title said, I don't know that I am a granduncle of my grandniece and grandnephew!!!!

I'm too old for that kinda position or the what...I don't know how to say it but it's funny when your age is not correspondend to the family calling....-.=""

Today is my nephew's wedding and his sister got married a few years back and she has a son...I don't know whether got son or daughter...but that's funny when I was told by my mum that I am granduncle of the grandnephew and grandniece!!

Oh well, never mind...Indeed, I was used to be called as old due to my abundance of white hair...Now, what the hell?!! I am a granduncle?!!
No way!!
I cannot deny it anymore because it is a fact that I need to accept...I am a granduncle of my grandnephew and grandniece...Just a lil bit of failure because they never call me that!!! They are just too small and their parents never teach them how to call us!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

2009 review~

还蛮期待我将要写的一个review,不过,有些事我应该需要隐瞒,因为都是私人的东西....paiseh paiseh...
January : 第一学年的第二学期开课了,我下定决心要好好努力上进,考好第二学期的成绩,酱就可以拉cgpa了...
February: er.......MSD Malaysia Sports Day 落在星期六,刚好和presentation 撞正,简直需要分身!
比完篮球后,就赶shuttle bus 去课室present 了...-.=""结果,比赛输了,也是注定了....因为我们没怎样的经验,球技也比人差...
March: 过了MSD,来个ABFC,比篮球.....还好,有进到4强,但是,被人家大的落花流水.....-.=""
April: 四月初,还是三月尾,帮忙了SFP,Year 4 senior们都一个个的向我们告别,希望他们毕业后,可以找到他们的另一个春天吧...
四月中,考试开始之前,妈的,sime darby竟然叫我去interview奖学金(Thursday),但是第二个礼拜2就是考试了,我还有很多没有读!
考到一半,不知算是好消息还是坏的,sime darby再次叫我上KL去interview second round 的奖学金.....但是,interview 当天是刚刚考完
life science的时候,所以就需要拖去第二天,一考完LIFE SCIENCE,就赶去larkin的bus stop...

May: 开始我的校园工作生涯......NTU 出了名迟出粮给学生的,我的零用钱真的很快,从1000 变400了...当时候,还真的很伤心,因为,我不懂自己为什么会用这么多钱....
飞乐时空seminar roadshow,由于我们做的不算太好,结果,副筹长骂了一顿.....场面超级无敌冷.....(can't explain anymore, don't want to touch it and just leave it as a lesson)
June: 成绩出炉了,考到还蛮不错....可能自己事自己知道就好....也满足到我的要求....所以,ok....
五月的工钱,六月尾发....妈的,有久到!!!!Suki 来了,带他去四周围走走.....郭氏基金叫去interview....有开心到....at the same time,sime darby rejected 了....没有怎样的伤心,因为我的第二轮interview很差...

July: 买了chocolate,去了KL,可能觉得自己interview 的时候表现不够好,所以,很伤心,很苦恼.....
FOA Senior Camp,第一天没有去,可惜....因为我回家了....
总而言之,senior camp 很好玩......很想再参加,可是下一届就没有的酱来参加....-.=""

August: 飞乐时空的东西做一半不做一半,就丢下来,参加FOA CAMP......带juniors做admin,做SA...langsung没有理会到飞乐的东西...
看了juniors的talent night,想起以前一年前的表演....哈哈.....惭愧啦....不想提起.....
飞乐总决赛,过程中,阿干火大了.....快要弄倒lee foundation theathre.....最后还是,糊里糊涂的结束了....算是成功,房东也蛮无奈一下啦.....

September: 不懂粘了那一条线,就酱跑去选举.....为了得到房间?可能吧.....但是,我也想做一下大maincomm的滋味啦....
day 1: 几条水走进来,讲讲讲讲.....类似经验,职位.....就酱过了day1
day2: 全部interview完了后,主席叫我们maincom进房间讨论,oh shit!!! day 1 的interview的名字忘了带来,原来要和别的maincom对人.....我只记得一些......haih....

October: 课根本跟不上!!!死掉了.....

November: 大烤咯!!!!!!!!!!!
每天早上,去library,不然就old can A,读书,在房间是根本读不到的.....
December : 最后一张,竟然死掉!!!!
第二天,就回家,回家之前,和俊贤,蚊虫,Tensa , 银号去Seoul Garden 吃大烤火锅.....
想也想不到,LJ23 和彩翡他们来了沙巴.....和他们共聚几餐,陪他们走几趟.....哈哈.....有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?看到6颗流星....很爽一下!haha....

Preview : January : 来临的一月: 爬山,HS他们会来沙巴爬山....yeah!!!!!haha....终于有机会征服全东南亚最高峰(konon).....


Sunday, December 13, 2009

An unforgettable night~

I saw 6 meteors flew over the night sky of KK...

watched with friends from NTU....and they saw it too....some of them saw more than me, some of them saw less than me...

Meteors fly over a quite night till she called me....unexpectedly....
Asking how to solve the pblms for the PA....-.=""

Well, I used one of the wishes from the 6 meteors, then, still have 5 more left....

Ok....though it is considered very naive, it will be a tradition for all people as they see meteor...
I am sure....

Friday, December 11, 2009

News updates in KK....

Back to KK....is such a great thing to happen in my life now...is something I can't really describe...

Maybe a bunch of friends, a cup of tea, a session of gathering, might be enough to describe the whole situation here.

For some reasons, there are a few things that I could not let down in Singapore...As posted for last blog, I don't know what is that..

Now, I have gained 4 more kg and make myself to a 80+ kg....before this, I was in 75 to 79 kg...now ....after having local delicacies for so many days, I am now "back into the business" ....er....sounds not nice!

Plus, I have spent quite a lot this few days...about RM 400 I had used and I don't quite remember where the hell the money's gone...-.=""

Wait, here's my list of RM400( where they go)
1. Power sport shoes - RM80.90
2. Secret recipe lunch - RM 34.00
3. KFC lunch - RM 30.00
4. New Malaysian Essay 2(quite boring and I am regret of buying it) -RM 39
5. Starbucks - RM 39
6. Yoyo milk tea session with friends - RM 10
7. etc.....can't remember...

argh!!! I hope that I can earn back this amount of moeny during sch time!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

home coming?

I am back...

That's what I want to say....

No big feeling...sad or happy about it..no idea why I can act like nothing happen about my homecoming..

Very conscious about the activities and the events in NTU...but not in the hometown...
why there's such a feeling like this?

So, is this indicating that I start to have feeling towards the place where I study?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A black Wednesday

I want to scold it out loud!!!!!! I just made myself a silly act!!!!
Why this year's exam so hard that not all of us can do it well??
I really wonder whether I can score well with 3 questions got left blank....3 out of 8 questions....is quite a big number....sure no A for me already.....

Anyway.....It's finally over...my exam period is finally the end....and here comes my busy holiday!!!

Black wednesday.....I will remember you!!! No mood balik kampung.....ok la....delay my flight ...