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KK, Sabah, Malaysia
Simple guy with passion to life and interest My life is here and there

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Malaysians.....know little about H1N1?

WHO finds Malaysians have low understanding and poor knowledge of A (H1N1)

KUALA LUMPUR: A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has revealed that Malaysians have low understanding and poor knowledge on the spread of the Influenza A (H1N1).
Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the WHO report he received on Thursday showed the public did not take H1N1 seriously, leading to an increase in cases.
He said of the four campaigns, that on the wearing of nose and mouth masks, personal hygiene, use of sanitisers and hand cleaning, only the wearing of masks had given the public the most awareness.
"Public awareness on measures to check the spread of H1N1 is still low, despite the many campaigns held from May to Aug.
This includes high-risk groups.
"It seems that public response and awareness is still lukewarm. We cannot afford to be complacent," he told reporters after launching the "Let's Stop H1N1" campaign organised by MCA here on Saturday.
The report was filed by three WHO experts who were here to monitor the pandemic, including publicity campaigns and public response.
Liow said the ministry would continue to hold campaigns to raise public awareness via forums, talks and exhibitions with the support of the mass media, political parties and non-governmental organisations.
However, he was satisfied with the Government's proactive measures to check the spread of the virus.
"WHO knows that we have a sensitive and capable system that can trace and detect A (H1N1) patients fast. We are able to track and treat them early.
"Although the death rate in Malaysia is quite high, it is still within the WHO limit."
Malaysia has registered 71 deaths from H1N1.
He said WHO proposed that more beds be made available at intensive care units (ICU) in hospitals to accommodate high-risk patients.
"WHO's proposal will be implemented in hospitals as the number of H1N1 patients have increased."
Liow urged public transport operators to place sanitisers at terminals and distribute masks to passengers during the Hari Raya festive season to check the spread of the virus.
"The sanitisers will show passengers that the operators have high awareness of the virus," he said.
On public fears of a second wave of the A (H1N1) at year-end, that could claim more lives, Liow said hospitals had adequate supply of Tamiflu, the antiviral drug used to treat patients.-Bernama

Friday, August 28, 2009

Need to be focus

This week's schedule had been done and some of them were doing accordingly.
It's great and especially I got my own room now!!

Cheer for it of course. But, my room mate is a year 3 student and he has a friend who wants to have a temporary sharing with me. Actually, I am not really mind for that but I think I don't know them at all. So, I need to be cautious towards them.

Well, forget about it. Next, I will have rally today! Quite nervous and I afraid that I will forget my speech about it. I still got tutorial problems to be solved. And yet, tonight we will have the appreciation dinner outside of NTU!!
We will have steamboat at Bugis and it will be a very nice experience.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Plan to be done in this week

1. Submit the rally form for the Chinese Society election committee.

2. Do all my tutorials!!

3. To GET A ROOM!!!

4. Have to go up to Nanyang House to practise Harmonica as VIVACE X is coming soon!!

5. Election on Thursday!

6. Saturday , Election time for Chinese Society!! Vote for me! ( For NTU Chinese Society Members only)

7. Finish my tutorials by Sunday!

Seems easy but most of the plan gives me headache and I think I can't really handle it well..
So, start from now, I will arrange my time to keep myself busy!!Don't let myself think too much!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Room Dillema



I want a room!!!!!
I want a room!!!!!
I want a room!!!!!

It has been two weeks after the new semester started. For myself, it had been a really terrible period of my university life as I have to stay in my friend's room.
I don't have my own space to do my tutorials, my stuff, and even want to have my own privacy!!!

Though what they said that we will get the room as late as early September, I really mad!!
I am getting madder and madder because everything now is troubling me!!!

I just want to have my own space!! No matter how far away the hostel from the school, I still want it!!
It was not a really fair event for the hostel allocation thing as most of the 14 points students get the room already but I, also with 14 points but what the hell is going on in Student Affairs Office!!! Dxx!!!
And the Office of Finance too, they haven't give me salary!! wtf!!!

Anyway, my focus now is really just on the room!!!

I want a room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

FOA (Freshmen Orientation Activities)

以前,我不懂为什么Senior 们会在FOA之后哭,作为junior 的我,不知道,FOA是为了什么的那么令人感动。

Junior们的配合,加上maincomm 们在后的协助,GLSA们的努力下,FOA终于在GL的热泪中圆满结束。

当时候,我写的Post-FOA感言,其实很短,也没有怎样的形容FOA到底是怎样的一个活动。 当时,我还是糊糊涂涂的写了一些还蛮敷衍的话,是我的错。
原来,背后的意义重大,GLSA从彼此不知道是谁打谁到一起画banner、喊cheers、带juniors、带动气氛(玩lame games 之类的),都做到很棒!!我爱你们!!

糊里糊涂地、高高兴兴地又过了6天那么短暂的迎新营。 这果然是台上一分钟台下十年功的一句话。 就这样结束了,然后又要开学了,真的好想回到第一天从带动整组的气氛到缓和时间的话题,这都是我们maincomms,GLSA还有当然少不了juniors的配合与欢笑,都让FOA成功举办!!!

第一天的不认识,到第六天的感动,实在难以忘怀,尤其是第五天的initiation,带juniors的seniors 们,真的累到不像话,但是,我们还是撑下去,带juniors完成每一关。CLUEDO的场面,沉淀的气氛,让junior们心慌,我们有时候会担心他们的感觉,是否能走完整条黑暗之旅。其实,GLSA......是很关心junior的!

FOA的闭幕典礼一结束,Seniors 带juniors到一边,来述说和讲出感言来,几乎每个人都有哭,我是例外,因为我的泪水已经流完了,要流的话,就要等了。是有感动,但这种感动不是以泪水来形容一切,是用真心来散发出来的。昨天,每个人都讲到真心话,所以才会因此流泪,场面很感人。

FOA的结束,不是画上组的句号,而是大学生涯的另一个开始。 希望每个人都从中看到,或者感到FOA的努力、冲刺、关怀与展望。明年FOA再见吧!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



haih, camp才几天,我不知道为了什么,没有胃口,吃什么都很像吃水酱.....
Kuok Foundation 虽然到手了,但是还有很多善后工作要整理,这真的很糟糕。
Camp 的当儿,还碰到这些东西,要分身真的很难,也很对不起我的GL...
什么都帮不上忙,然后,在带juniors 的时候,又在呆在那里....废物一个.....
